Q . What are some of the duties of the department?
ANS – Mapping the geology of the country
- Conducting mineral exploration
- Assessment and monitoring of geo-hazards
- Provision of geo-technical advice
- Analysis of geological samples
- Provision of geo-scientific information
- Promotion of geoscientific information for the development of the mining industry
Q. Suppose you have found some precious minerals in those samples, don’t you sell those minerals without our knowledge?
Q. Do we really have gold in Malawi, if yes where?
Q. Where is KAUNIUNI report?
Q. Malawi as a country, do we really have precious minerals which may lead to opening of big mining companies the way it happens in other countries?
Q. When was GSD established?
Q. How many Geological Survey Department branches are there in the country?
Q. Now that kauniuni data is out, where is gold now?
Q. Foreign mining companies are stealing mineral from the country claiming to be samples for analysis?
Q. In the Chemical Laboratory what is your main work?
Q. Typically, when clients bring samples, they tend to ask if we can tell whether gold is present in the sample before analysis
Q. We share borders with Mozambique, Zambia and Tanzania and all these counties have major mines so why not Malawi?
Q. Where are precious and semi-precious stones found in Malawi?
Q. Where can we find a market (buyers) for precious and semi-precious stones?
Q. Are GOLD and DIAMONDS found in Malawi? If so, can we see any samples of them at the Department?
How can one get licences for the following purposes: trading minerals (Reserved mineral licence), prospecting minerals (Prospecting licence) and mining (Mining licence).
Q. Why doesn’t the Geological Survey Department also issue Export Permits?
Q. Do you have mineral detection instruments at the Department?
Q. Do you have gemstone cutting/faceting or polishing equipment at the Department?
Q. What is the process to register a mining company?
Q. Who is eligible to register in the mining sector?
Q. Are there any updated geological data available?
Q. IS GSD library open to the general public